Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Triangles 

To understand why all of this matters, you must learn about the belief system of the occult. A researcher named Marty Leeds wrote books on mathematics and the universal language that nature uses to communicate to us. He believes that various languages are sacred and have a basis in ancient symbols through mathematics. I find his argument compelling, and I’ve tried to incorporate some its logic into this post, as I find it important to argument.
The three sides of a triangle represent the number 3, and this concept is used in gematria, the ancient Babylonian/Hebrew numerology practice that assigns numbers to words or letters (and also other mystical schools of thought). The number 3 is representative of the spirit realm (or the Heavens), while in contrast, the number 4 represents the physical realm (the material, three-dimensional world we can relate to). The number 3 is a number of the divine, showing the union of male and female that create a third being. It’s the number of manifestation; to make something happen. Illuminati Symbols